Role of IoT in Magento eCommerce Development
Check out the below list of curated links to see the role of IoT in transforming eCommerce industry & how it benefits the eCommerce businesses.
IoT Reshaping Web Development Process
The rise of eCommerce has changed the shopping habits of consumers drastically over the last few years. Online shopping has witnessed growth at exponential rates and has become a lifestyle of consumers. As technology is evolving at a rapid pace, businesses need to keep up with the constantly changing demand of people. One such tech wave is IoT (Internet of Things), which has revolutionized the web development landscape. What is IoT? IoT is a vast network of interconnected objects that are bounded by standard communication protocols. It merges traditional technologies such as GPS, satellite technology, radio frequency identifiers (RFID), internet protocols, and more for different applications. Let’s dig in deeper to understand how IoT is impacting the Magento web development: • Complex Web Design The web development and design process are going to become a lot more complicated with the emergence of IoT. Users are primarily using the front-end interface for communicating with smart…
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Mobile, IoT and AR Are Transforming E-Commerce Businesses
E-commerce is undergoing significant transformations. Mobile, IoT and AR are the reason. Find out how.
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How IoT Is Playing a Role in Ecommerce - IoT Tech Trends
An IoT-based system makes it easier for businesses to gather data and trigger real-time actions. Here are the different ways that IoT is changing ecommerce.
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The Internet of Things Will Fundamentally Change eCommerce
The Internet of Things (IoT) brings smart devices to the home that work together and are connected 24/7. In response, businesses are targeting the new consumer who has multiple devices, is buying things with voice assistants, and is more informed about purchases.
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IoT in eCommerce: Technologies Change the Industry - ReadWrite
IoT is storming the eCommerce. The idea is to create a network of connected devices, software and sensors which turn eCommerce upside down.
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